Coaching for Motivated People Living With Chronic Pain.

You can grow, live a rich life, and suffer from chronic pain all at the same time.

Does this sounds like you?

  • “I struggle to be a good mom, move forward with my treatments, and find a way forward.”

  • “I feel like my body is my enemy.”

  • “I just want my old life back. I’m exhausted.”

You are not alone!

Traditional treatment methods of chronic pain often tell us to wait for the pain to resolve before trying to address our personal thriving. Our medical establishments do not equip those of us suffering in invisible pain with the strategies we need to live in this world.

To live WITH chronic pain we have to realize that we are indeed LIVING! Pain is in some instances is a permanent constraint on our daily lives, a constraint that we can learn how to live with and strategize around.

Find Peace and Grow

By working with me you will learn strategies around balancing the life you are living with the chronic pain you are experiencing. I know how hard it can be because I’ve been through it. I will pep you up when you are down, give a voice to the parts of you that want to give up, and help keep you honest about your pain. We will, bit by bit, find the peace that you deserve that the life that you want here and now.

My mission is to help you create the space in your life that you need to have control over your pain.

Hi, I’m Christo

I help people suffering from chronic pain live richer, fuller, and more balanced lives.

My specialty is working with people who have been in pain for several years and are ready to have a different relationship with their pain.

You are not your pain! And your life can be about more than your condition.