About Me

My name is Christo.

I’ve been on a mission to overcome chronic pain since 2008


My Story

In 2008, I woke up one morning with a headache that never stopped. Day after day of horrible and unceasing pain. I visited doctors, tried dozens of different prescriptions, treatment modalities, and therapies. I lived a lot of time with ambiguous medical diagnoses and waiting to see if something would finally work.

During this time, I knew I had a choice. I could either merely survive or I could do my best to find a way to thrive amidst my pain. There were many days when I wanted to give up, but there we also many days where I was able to carve out space to be positive and excited for what the future might hold. Over time, I learned and developed many different techniques for creating space between me and my pain. It was critical that I learn how to separate myself from the story of my illness, so that I could find joy and passion in who I am, despite the constraints of being in chronic pain.

Finally, in 2017, I found a treatment that worked and my headache stopped. But my journey with chronic pain had just begun.

Why I became a chronic pain coach:

Over the years of my chronic pain, I searched several times for someone to help coach me on how to live a full life while in pain. Doctors wanted to treat the illness, therapists wanted to teach techniques, friends and colleagues could empathize but not understand.

I felt like I was alone and no one understood that I needed a way of living that treated the pain as a permanent constraint to strategize around, not just a side-issue that would be resolved. I needed someone who could help me balance being a husband, growing a career, developing healthy mental habits, finding doctors and new treatments, and helping me stay honest about my pain.

Once I found a way through my pain, I knew that I needed to help others in the way that I had needed help. No one should have to go through the journey alone.

That’s why I’m now coaching people with chronic pain. I know from experience how hard the journey is and how desperately I needed a guide. Working with me, I’ll help you get some of your old life back, as well as develop new skills for managing your pain.