Top 3 Chronic Pain Coaching Exercises:

What have you tried?: This exercise catalogs the short term and long-term treatments, therapies, prescriptions that you’ve tried. This is the first step to looking at the whole problem you are trying to solve. 

What’s next?: Pain can feel like you are pushing a giant boulder up hill. It’s exhausting, sometimes you slide back, and it feels like it never ends. This exercise is designed to explore what options you have to try next. Bit by bit, we can chip away at the problem. 

Your story: Many people tell their story about pain from the perspective of the pain itself. When it started, how much it hurts, how they’ve tried to make it go away. This exercise focuses on getting you to tell your story instead of the pain’s story. You are a whole person despite the chronic pain.

These are some of the simple exercises I go through with my pain coaching clients in my 12 week program. If you are interested in learning more and seeing what coaching can do for you, sign up for a free session today. 


Pain Dualism