Top 3 Mindsets for Managing Pain

Hero mentality: So many people get beaten down by chronic pain. They adopt a victim mentality, “Why has this happened to me?” “What did I do to deserve this?” These are a great starting place! Pain is emotional and difficult and it’s totally natural to have these reactions. But at some point, you must make the shift from victim to hero. This is your life to live, regardless of the constraints and difficulties that you need to overcome. 

Where don’t I feel pain?: One of the challenging features of chronic pain is that it tends to spread out into nearby areas as your body locks itself into more and more intense protective responses. Focusing in on where you are actually feeling pain and where you are not can be helpful to prevent feelings of being overwhelmed by the pain. 

What if…?: Emerging from chronic pain is fundamentally driven by curiosity and transformation. The old you has died, and the new you is being born. What could that life look like? What if you can have everything you want and more? What if you can have a full and rich life, even if you are in pain? This curiosity and openness can be a powerful driver for change. When you stop feeling attached to the old life you had before the pain, you open up the possibility of so much more. 

If you’d like to learn to develop new mindsets and learn tools for managing and ultimately overcoming your pain, I’d love to work with you. Sign up for a free 1:1 coaching session today and let’s get you on the road to becoming the new you.


The Pain Brain


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