Top 3 Pain Management Books

 Pain Free: When we are in constant pain, our bodies deform and shift and move in order to cope and bear the wait of daily pain. This book helped me get back control of my body and begin to address my pain head on.

The Way Out: Pain Reprocessing Therapy helps people move from disassociating from their body and pain and helps them learn to understand chronic pain as faulty signal. I recommend this book to all my clients.

Managing Chronic Pain: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy was one of the early footholds that I got to change my relationship with pain. If you want to change your understanding of pain from an enemy to simply noise, this is a great place to start.

In my coaching practice, I use techniques I learned in my 9 years of daily persistent headache to help clients learn to overcome and transform their lives. If you are interested in creating a new life with and despite your chronic pain, sign up for a free coaching session today.


Top 3 Mindsets for Managing Pain